Wednesday, November 17, 2010

bugs Life ep 3 (Between happiness and danger,the FIRST EXCEPTION)

It is a race against time, when every thing you love is on the line. It brings up a living hell inside you when danger surrounds the people you care about. Bearing all this feeling inside FATHER BUG flashes the way to his beloved son, as each and every seconds passes hurts more deep inside...

But in a blank of an eye every thing stops as if the time has just collapsed. It is the moment which FATHER BUG wished it lasts to eternity where their eyes meet, where he hears his son's laugh and sees what he have done!!!

FATHER BUG carrying his beloved son and whispering in his ears:"YOU HAVE REALLY GROWN UP .MY YOUNG MAN!!!", with an eye that can't stop bleeding tears down afraid of the future, afraid of the up coming..

Same time Same place,but at the other end of the world.Here is a person that swears to put an end to all of this after seeing the blood of his beloved creation all around the scene.

CHEF PROGRAMMER with a mind full of hatred and revenge changes up every thing for the sake of that bloodied scene..

The FOREST trembles.The weather changes. A tempest arose, a tempest of ANGER it is.And all what the BUG family has to face it up is just hope and simple faith.

"IS IT THE END??" FATHER BUG tells himself with his arms surrounding the whole family keeping them near keeping them safe.



Monday, November 15, 2010

Bugs Life ep 2 (Strange Behavior)

It's a sunny day on our FOREST. Mother BUG is in the kitchen . Father BUG is reading R.S.S.Little CODEY is outside the FUNCTION playing around the biggest TREE..
Suddenly A STRANGE BEHAVIOR occurs.

Mother BUG: RUN quickly get CODEY...!!
Father BUG: Where is he..?
Mother BUG: Outside near the ROOT TREE...

Father BUG took off as quickly as possible to reach his beloved son,but by the time he arrives IT WAS TOO LATE....!!!

//TO BE CONTINUED IN (Between happiness and danger,the FIRST EXCEPTION) ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

patience my BROTHER....patience

He is my friend...NO, he is my brother.We are not blood related..SO How could it be..?? simply I don't know,but in my life there is a simple fact i know it..HE IS MORE THAT A BROTHER EVEN IF WE ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED.

Lately-I know- it has been like hell to you cuz of  me.believe me it is not intended.but is all my fault .I know apologize can't change a thing in it..and i am not here to apologize,but to show you the start of one hell of comeback(I HOPE SO!!I HAVE BEEN DOWN FOR SO LONG IT IS ENOUGH) all my needs is your FAITH in me..i know can't ask for it i let you down not once not twice but FOR THREE TIMES ON A ROW .OH ALLAH how can i ask for it again..i am just a useless peace of shit how could not protect what he had an idiot how let every thing good him go away..

BUT some thing i believe in...have changed for good because i know plz don't run out of you patience,i think with you by my side i can survive I CAN STAND UP AGAIN!!! 


Friday, November 5, 2010

Bugs Life ep 1

Once upon a CODE,In the Dark PATHS of a FOREST..THERE EXIST a small FUNCTION.inside this little FUNCTION lives a happy BUG family.they settle done for a while now,they have suffered a lot of bad Surroundings of DEBUGGER and the dishonesty of there brother ANT.

But in a day which can't be repeated again this BUG family live its happiest day ever..when -on a miss notice from the chef PROGRAMMER- the little BUG CODEY was born..the little BUG family got so happy of that magnificent event.BUT A GREAT DINGIER WAITS FOR THEM!!