Tuesday, November 9, 2010

patience my BROTHER....patience

He is my friend...NO, he is my brother.We are not blood related..SO How could it be..?? simply I don't know,but in my life there is a simple fact i know it..HE IS MORE THAT A BROTHER EVEN IF WE ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED.

Lately-I know- it has been like hell to you cuz of  me.believe me it is not intended.but is all my fault .I know apologize can't change a thing in it..and i am not here to apologize,but to show you the start of one hell of comeback(I HOPE SO!!I HAVE BEEN DOWN FOR SO LONG IT IS ENOUGH) all my needs is your FAITH in me..i know can't ask for it again.as i let you down not once not twice but FOR THREE TIMES ON A ROW .OH ALLAH how can i ask for it again..i am just a useless peace of shit how could not protect what he had an idiot how let every thing good him go away..

BUT some thing i believe in...have changed for good because i know you..so plz don't run out of you patience,i think with you by my side i can survive I CAN STAND UP AGAIN!!!