Monday, November 15, 2010

Bugs Life ep 2 (Strange Behavior)

It's a sunny day on our FOREST. Mother BUG is in the kitchen . Father BUG is reading R.S.S.Little CODEY is outside the FUNCTION playing around the biggest TREE..
Suddenly A STRANGE BEHAVIOR occurs.

Mother BUG: RUN quickly get CODEY...!!
Father BUG: Where is he..?
Mother BUG: Outside near the ROOT TREE...

Father BUG took off as quickly as possible to reach his beloved son,but by the time he arrives IT WAS TOO LATE....!!!

//TO BE CONTINUED IN (Between happiness and danger,the FIRST EXCEPTION) ...


  1. gamda bas bos kabbar el part shewia 3ashan shaklha 7elwa :"D

  2. @salama merci ya hoby..
    @adly hahawel bas sa3b 7abtaaan..!!!

  3. gamdaaaaaaa bas 3awz ashof el Exceptions :D :D ..
